Saturday, January 24, 2015

Malacca 2015: Restaurant Tong Sheng, Malacca

 It was the second weekend of January 2015 and we had a last minute trip down to Malacca. Yeah, was informed that pig got few days off that weekend and grab the opportunity to travel - locally. Too late for overseas travel. I had not been to Malacca since my secondary school; like 8 years ago? Malacca had undergo many changes as time goes and it's a good place for a weekend gateway!

Drove down to Malacca right after work on a Friday evening and it took us about 2 hours to reach from Bandar Utama. Traffic was smooth as we started our journey at 4.30pm :)

 Our first stop when we reached Malacca was to have dinner at this famous Restaurant Tong Sheng which is located in Taman Melaka Raya. Luckily we were early as there was a long queue after we were seated.

Here's another tip, they will require you to go to the counter and order your dishes before you are given a seat. There's a menu for you to browse though and its price is indicated clearly too. This restaurant serves steamboat and your average tai chow dishes. Their famous dishes are the cheesy prawn vermicelli, crab, some other seafood dishes and steamboat (it's cheese steamboat!).

I saw many people ate either the steamboat or the rice with crab dishes or the prawn vermicelli (mihun). If you are interested in knowing more about the steamboat, here's the choice of soup base available.
I would want to try the Cheese Steamboat next round.

For us, we decided to eat their famous cheese + prawn mihun and crab that night. Pig needs rice at least once a day :P
Tired face after work and traveling for 2 hours.

 If you are not sure on what to order, look at what other customers are eating or you can have a look at this huge pink and green signboard in their shop. It states the shop's history too - established in 2009 :)

 Like a typical Chinese "restaurant", you are served a chargeable plate of peanuts or some other appetizer in other shops; but mostly peanuts. We were hungry after a long journey and chop the peanuts down in seconds.

  Our dishes came surprisingly fast which is a good thing as we were starving! The first dish to arrive was the Cheese Prawn Mihun (small size) at RM25. I could smell the cheese once it arrived on the table. There's actually one giant prawn which was chop into two. And it comes with delicious and fresh prawn roe. The soup or the sauce you called it taste a bit like the "butter milk" + superior soup to me. And of course you can taste the melted cheese and some salty taste. The chopped spring onion makes the soup + mihun less jilat as there's some crunchy spring onion in your mouth. This portion is okay for 2 ppl who are very hungry :) However, we felt a fit too cheesy after halfway through. Normal if you are eating something cheesy after more than 10 bites. But overall, it's good.

Look at the golden prawn roe!

There's actually one prawn which was halved into two.


Next was the Fresh Milk Crab and minimum order is 2 crabs. It costs us about RM100+ for this. But since we came all the way here, sure must try the crab :) It comes with some bread sticks for you to dip into the sauce. The crab is indeed very big and fresh! The meat is juicy where you still can taste the so-called "sea taste" according to pig. As for the sauce, there's chopped green chili and I taste some salted egg yolk there (not sure, based on my opinion). And we were really bloated after finishing this. 
Fresh Milk Crab.

Served with bread stick.

We too, ordered the Special Beancurd (Small size) at RM15. It's steamed tofu with prawns and topped with salted egg and spring onions. I think you can try to cook this at home. I think because I tasted salted egg again, I was really jilat after a few spoonful. But, it's something you can try.

And yes, here's the after dinner picture! We sapu all the dishes. Hmm, I think I'm not good in peeling crabs and I wasted a lot of juicy meat in the shell. But it's okay, I was bloated with the mihun and tofu :) And the crab does come with roe! Both of them!

Restaurant Tong Sheng
No. 377 & 378, Jalan Taman Melaka Raya 6,
Taman Melaka Raya,
75000 Melaka.

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