Saturday, March 21, 2015

KLIPS Premiere Screening: HOME

Every school holidays season; whether it's a short or a long one, there will be new cartoon movies released in the cinemas. For those who are still schooling; one of the must-do thing during the school holidays is to watch the latest movie in town. How fortunate for them - standard of living is getting better from one generation to the next :)

During this super short but essential school holidays, DreamWorks Animation together with 20th Century Fox released a new movie entitled HOME. From the title itself, you can roughly guess what's the storyline about.

Home: is a place where you can lives permanently.  

Thus, this movie definitely related to finding a home/protecting your home and so on. That was my first impression about HOME. And my guess was correct after all when I managed to watch the Premiere Screening of Home recently at GSC 1 Utama thanks to KLIPS Malaysia.

Before the screening begins, OH; the hero in the movie was there to greet us at the cinema. I categorized OH as an alien with jellyfish legs ;P  When there's a mascot walkabout, what do you normally do? Take a selfie!

This movie lasted for about 96 minutes (1 hour and 36 minutes) which is adequate as young kids can't sit still for very long. A 2 hours movie might be too tiring for their eyes.

Here's a very brief synopsis of HOME:

OH is part of an alien race named Boov and this alien team is led by Captain Smek. Unlike the other Boov, OH is very different from his friends which makes him a lonely guy. But he did try his best to be friends with the others. The Boov are very good in one thing they know of ~ running away strategies! They were hunted by their enemy: the Gorg which the Boov characterized as a very terrifying and destructive monster. Gorg posses high technology and could destroyed planets which is why the Boov is running away from them. 
The Boov finally found Earth as a suitable place to call HOME and invaded the planet. Captain Smek told fellows Boov that humans are dumb and they are making life better for humans. All humans were relocated to a few islands and were given new houses, entertainments, parks and others. OH were very happy to move into his new house in an apartment and invited all his neighbors for a house warming party but sadly, no one turns up. He went to meet his friend; Kyle and send him an e-invite to his house warming party but it was accidentally send to the who universe which means it was also send to their enemy; Gorg. OH became a banished Boov and he ran away. On this way, he met TIP; a teenage human and PIG; the cat who were left behind and together they went on an adventure to search for TIP's mum.

If you would like to know what adventures did OH and TIP went through together, you need to watch this movie in the cinemas. This movie has a steady pace which makes it suitable for children of all ages. For adults, do expect that you won't feel the moments of adrenaline rushing through your veins when you watch this movie. If you are looking for some action movie, this cute and entertaining cartoon is not for you.
And I feel that you can't compare this to FROZEN, Toy Story, Despicable Me (Minions) and so on. This movie falls in the same categories as cartoon movies like The Croods, Rango and Rio where there's a happy and mild temperament scene throughout the play. But do look at the lessons learned from this movie as well as the creative graphics scene. The Boov made Earth into a high-tech city with upside-down Paris tower, super-powered flying bubbles and making use of space on Earth for both humans and Boov.

Some of the main characters in HOME:

OH: The main hero leading the storyline.
TIP: The teenage human girl who was left behind in the city while the others were relocated.
KYLE: OH's good friend and is a normal ranking police traffic.
Captain Smek: The leaders of Boov.
Lucy: TIP's mum.
PIG: TIP's pet cat.

Characters in HOME

Here's a tip for you. Before you go into the cinema to watch HOME, do watch this short clip below. This short 4-minutes video tells you the beginning of the movie HOME and what you watch in the cinema is the continuation of this video clip.

When you watch the movie, do look out for these few scenes:

1. Super flying car with slushies and fuel!
Very clever of OH to modified TIP's car with flying capabilities and uses slushies as fuel. And there's nachos with cheese, hot sausages as well as ketchup flying out of the car as weapons too or eat it as your snack while you drive ;)


2. OH changed himself to become a better him.
Everyone makes mistakes and the most important thing to do is how to fix your mistakes. Being a Boov, they were taught to run away. TIP makes OH realized that what he needs to do is to fix his mistake - to stop his e-invite from being sent out to everyone (it takes the system some time to send out to millions of recipients). And instead of running away from Gorg, he is the only one who fights back.


3. Always a happy ending. 
Open your heart and mind to adapt to your surroundings. If you are different from the rest, don't be sad because you don't have a companion. It's just that you have not found the right partner


4. A leader is not always right. 
A leader does mistakes too. In this case, Captain Smek who invented the running away strategy needs to rethink his strategy. Perhaps he should investigate why the Gorg keeps hunting them? The key is that the Gorg hunts them because Captain Smek stole something from the Gorg.


5. Never give up in anything you do.
TIP has a very strong will to find his mum although it's gonna be a hard and mission impossible journey. She never gives up and keep to her positive attitude whenever they faced difficulties.


Do watch HOME in your nearest local cinemas today! 

Here's the movie trailer if you can't wait till your movie date. 

DreamWorks Animation has posted some HOME related fun activities and mini online games on their website too. Do visit their website for more fun activities such as printable colouring sheets, activities sheets, wallpaper as well as characters animated gifs visual.

Here's some preview on the fun activities which you can find on their website:

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