Saturday, January 30, 2016

KLIPS BEST Movies of 2015

Have you ever wondered what's the all time favourite movie of the year that we tend to watch again and again? Now, your question is answered by KLIPS, Malaysia's very own online movie community. 

KLIPS launched its first-ever movie screening event; the KLIPS Best Movies of 2015 whereby 4 movies of different genres that received the highest number of votes in its own category were featured during this exclusive event. 

Movie buffs nationwide voted for their favorites out of the 31 shortlisted movies released in year 2015 between 18 Dec 2015 to 4 Jan 2016. According to KLIPS, the response for this voting was great that more than 3000 Malaysians voted for their favourite movies which garnered more than 1.5million impressions across KLIPS's website and social media. 'claps'

 Now, this is the excited part - the results from the voting. The Best Movies of 2015 goes to:

1. Fast and Furious 7 (Action)
2. The Martian (Drama/Adventure)
3. Insidious Chapter 3 (Horror)
 4. Spy (Comedy)

Congratulations to the production team and crew of these movies, their hard work paid off. ;)

An exclusive event; the KLIPS Best Movies of 2015 was held at TGV cinemas in Encorp Strand Mall. This KLIPS Best Movies of 2015 was held in partnership with TGV Cinemas and sponsored by Tiger White and Honor. Thanks to KLIPS, I was honored to be part of this prestigious screening event.

I love watching movies and we always go to the cinema to movie the latest movie in town every week. It's the best way of spending time together. :)

"Movies are definitely a great way to bring people together. Our passion for movies is what drives us at KLIPS to do what we do, so we're extremely proud to have pulled off this event for our movie-loving community together with TGV Cinemas." Diandra Nunis, Community Manager of KLIPS said.

During the event, we were pampered with delicious food and drinks, giveaways and the exciting part - the movie screenings. The 4 winning movies were screened simultaneously in 4 different movie halls and we could choose the movie which we would like to watch that night. I'm not a fan of horror movie - thus no Insidious Chapter 3 for us. I had watched Spy and the popular Fast & Furious 7 before thus we went for The Martian movie. 

Thanks for organising this KLIPS Best Movies of 2015!
L to R: Celeste Koay - TGV Cinemas Senior Marketing Manager, Loh Ken Wei - General Manager of Rev Asia, Diandra Nunis - KLIPS Community Manager

L to R: Tan Soon Keat - Honor Business Dev. Manager, Douglas Lee - Honor Marketing Manager, Joyce Lim - Tiger Brand Manager, Celeste Koay - TGV Cinemas Senior Marketing Manager, Loh Ken Wei - General Manager of Rev Asia

Before the screenings, there were giveaways sponsored by Tiger White, Honor and KLIPS. Guess what, the lucky guests walked away with cartons of Tiger White beer, the brand new Honor Z1 bands as well as exclusive movie merchandise such as framed movie posters and Tomorrowland travel bag. 

Our lucky man here walked away with a carton of Tiger White beer :)
Lucky winner with his exclusive movie merchandise. :)

Tiger Beer Malaysia was very generous to bring its own beer garden to TGV Encorp Strand Mall for that night and guests were treated to free flow of Tiger White beers. Cheers!

Not only that, Tiger White sponsored the screening of The Martian movie during this KLIPS Best Movies of 2015. Thus, all invited guests who watched this The Martian movie were also treated to a bottle of Tiger White beer as we watched our movie. Great beer plus good movie = AWESOME. It's not like you can bring a bottle of beer into the cinema and drink all the way while you enjoy your movie every single time you goes into the cinema. Thus, this is just one of the best movie screening ever. 

And we had a special short film screening by Tiger White before our The Martian movie screening. Thus, we kinda watched 2 movies that night. The short film entitled Coaster was about 15 minutes long. Well, it's released on Youtube and do watch the short clip below. 

This Coaster film was kinda interesting but hope that there's part 2 to this film. The Martian movie was interesting where it tells the journey of this astronaut surviving on Mars when he was accidentally left behind.

I love watching movies in TGV cinemas especially the one in 1Utama because there's a cafe where you can grab some burgers, fries, hot food and munch them in the cinema. And of course the seats are better plus it's only a minute away from home. And being a member of a TGV Club Member has a lot of perks too from collecting points and convert them into movie tickets, exclusive discounts to purchasing early bird tickets for premiere screening. Glorious future, TGV Cinemas.  

And do join KLIPS too because you can get new movie updates as well as be one of the first to catch the movie of your choice in their preview screening sessions. Join KLIPS today! KLIPS makes your life brighter.

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